Vanomil B.V.
De Fruittuinen 6
2132 NZ Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 23 5658778
Fax: +31 23 5577717

Our company is renowned for its credibility and efficiency in developing sales in new markets. As a result we are among the top marketing and sales development companies in the region. Our clients have been long-standing partners in the respective regions and enjoy high returns of their investment.

Our success in sales development is based on 4 factors: market research, local adaptation, marketing and distribution. We offer to our clients thorough and in-depth research data of the candidate market from our local branch offices. Each product or service is adapted to the local needs of the market (language, packaging, branding) and supported from efficient marketing strategies based on our in-depth knowledge of the region. Finally we select the ideal local distributor for our clients' products or services. Most of our client companies have outsourced to us the sales and distribution of their products in the respective area.

It is our commitment to efficiently and continuously expand the sales of our client companies in new markets.

For further information, please contact us via e-mail, providing detailed analysis of your company, as well as your objective.

Thank you for visiting our website.